Why Asking for Help Boosts Confidence and Reduces Stress

Asking for help is often perceived as a sign of weakness or vulnerability in our society that values independence and self-reliance. We tend to believe that we should have all the answers and be able to handle everything on our own. However, the truth is that asking for help can actually make you more confident, not less. Here are some compelling reasons why reaching out for assistance is a powerful and empowering choice:

1. It Shows Self-Awareness

Asking for help requires a certain level of self-awareness. It means acknowledging that you don't know everything and are not afraid to admit it. This is actually a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes courage to recognize that you need help and shows that you're willing to learn and grow. Embracing this self-awareness allows you to build a strong foundation for personal development and success.

2. It Leads to Better Results

When we reach out for assistance, we open ourselves up to valuable guidance and support. This, in turn, can lead to significantly better results, and the knowledge that we're on the right path, armed with the necessary tools and resources, is remarkably empowering. Seeking help unlocks a world of possibilities and opportunities that can enrich our journey toward success.

3. It Builds Relationships

Seeking help isn't just about personal growth; it's also a powerful tool for building deeper, more meaningful relationships with others. When we approach someone for assistance, we're essentially saying, "I trust your expertise, and I value your input." This act of vulnerability fosters a stronger connection, creating a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Over time, these relationships become a vital source of confidence and encouragement, reminding us that we have a network of people who genuinely believe in our abilities.

4. It Fosters Continuous Learning

No one is born with all-encompassing knowledge. We all have areas where we could benefit from a helping hand. When we seek assistance, we grant ourselves the opportunity to learn from others. This process not only equips us with new skills and knowledge but also bolsters our confidence in our abilities. The more we learn, the more capable and self-assured we become, setting the stage for even greater achievements in the future.

5. It Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Attempting to tackle every challenge and responsibility on our own can be overwhelmingly stressful. However, when we reach out for help, we relieve some of this pressure and allow ourselves to rely on the support of others. This, in turn, reduces stress levels, helping us feel more relaxed and centered. Reduced stress contributes significantly to an increased sense of confidence, making it easier to confront and overcome life's challenges.

Incorporating Help into Your Life

In my therapy and coaching sessions, I encourage my clients to start asking for help and re-delegating tasks to other people as soon as we start working together. It can be something as simple as starting to carpool with a neighbor or having their child set the table. My clients are often surprised by just how ready and willing their families, friends, and colleagues are to lend helping hands. Asking for help does not make you weak or incompetent; rather, it means that you know how to advocate for yourself and prioritize your well-being. Not sure how to ask, keep reading.

Constructive Tips on How to Ask for Help:

  1. Make a list. It is easy to become overwhelmed by your problems, but writing them down can help you articulate what you actually need help with so you can focus your energy on resolving these issues. 

  2. Prioritize Needs. Figure out what is essential to you. If you need help with the kids, for example, prioritize this need and reach out to someone who is equipped to handle your request. 

  3. Research the resources and professional help around you. If you’re going through a specific problem like depression, please seek out resources and individuals that align with your goals and comfort level. For example, you can reach out to a local therapist or an online community like the one here at Balanced + Well.

  4. Identify the right people. Who can you trust to listen to your grievances without judgment? Who in your life has the background or expertise to guide you through a specific issue? Being able to answer these questions will help you choose the right person in your life—whether it’s a loved one or acquaintance—who can help you out. 

Even More Benefits of Asking for Help:

Personal Growth: Asking for help can force you out of your comfort zone, leading to self-growth and development. By identifying your shortcomings, you learn to improve yourself by acquiring new and valuable life skills.

Protection of the Body and Mind: Recognizing and acknowledging that you have too much on your plate is essential to protecting your physical and mental health. Letting others step in can prevent burnout and unnecessary stress.

Gain Different Insights: Seeking advice from others can teach you new approaches and strategies to tackle problems that you can implement in the future.

Enhanced Decision-Making: Identifying our values and seeking help when needed helps in making better decisions. When you know yourself, you are able to make better choices about everything, from small decisions like which sweater you’ll buy to big decisions like which partner you’ll spend your life with. You'll have guidelines you can apply to solve life’s varied problems. When you’ve gotten off course, your values help bring you back to your center and remind you of what is most important to you.

Resistance to Social Pressure: Do you tend to people-please? Knowing our values can also help with resistance to social pressure. When you are grounded in your values and preferences, you are less likely to say “yes” when you want to say “no.”The lesson here is that your mental and physical health comes first, and that includes learning to ask for help.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it is a courageous and empowering act. Embrace your self-awareness and vulnerability, and seek assistance when needed. This simple act can lead to better results, stronger relationships, continuous learning, reduced stress, and increased confidence. Remember that you are not alone in your journey, and seeking support from others can be the key to unlocking your full potential. Don't hesitate to ask for help and prioritize your well-being. Your mental and emotional health are invaluable, and seeking assistance is a powerful step toward living a fulfilling and confident life.

Please check out my other blog posts for more information on how to take care of your needs, including self-care tips. Don’t forget to join the Balanced + Well community for more support and guidance—we are here for you! Together, let's embrace the power of asking for help and create a world where self-awareness, support, and personal growth are celebrated.